Leanchoils Centenary Celebrations
The hundredth anniversary of Leanchoil Hospital was celebrated with great fanfair by a special Centenary Day held on 24th April 1992.
The day’s events began when Dr David Sneddon and matron, Mrs Irene Clifford arrived at the hospital in a pony and trap owned by Frank Milne of Nairn, led by local horse lover Lesley Clyne. [Fig 1]. Staff and local GPs dressed in period costume and Leanchoil nursing staff wore traditional Victorian nursing outfits, all tailormade by staff members Mrs Dorothy Parry and Mrs Beth Barnett. [Fig 2].
Figure 2
A buffet lunch was provided by hospital catering staff who were dressed in green and buff period costumes and mob caps. Patients and friends enjoyed a special cake provided by Macleans the bakers.
The main ceremonial duties were performed by guests of honour ninety-two year old Dr Jack Adam and retired matron Miss May Ross. Dr Jack Adam was Leanchoil’s first medical superintendent. He joined the hospital as a GP in 1923, following in the footsteps of his father who had worked at Leanchoil since the hospital first opened in 1892. Dr Adam remained closely connected with the hospital until he retired from general practice aged seventy-two. Former matron Miss May Ross, worked at the hospital from 1942 until she retired in 1975. [Fig 3].
The day’s events were marked by the unveiling of a centenary stone engraved with the words Leanchoil Hospital 1892-1982 at the entrance to the hospital and the planting of a rowan tree and copper beech tree in the hospital grounds. [Fig 4].
Officially opened in April of 1892, Leanchoil served the communities of the area for over 125 years.Before hospital was built on the outskirts of Forres, the only available inpatient accommodation was a small building on Burnside.