Leanchoil Update

As you will have seen from the extensive Press coverage, the Pre-application Planning Enquiry was lodged two weeks ago. While we await Moray Council’s response, work continues with our partners to plan the best layout of space internally when Leanchoil is refurbished. Our aim is to achieve flexible rooms to accommodate the STEM facility, immersive classroom for education and training (including for those with additional needs), fitness and meeting space, clinic/meeting rooms, and facilities for the Scottish Ambulance Service who will remain on site. The café will be the hub for all to relax and meet. We are exploring the possibility of including a pharmacy and childcare space in addition to the outdoor Forest School Nursery. We speak regularly with Hanover Scotland to plan the supported living accommodation that will include state of the art digital support for residents. Use of the outdoor space for gardening and recreation will be planned, and once purchase from NHS Grampian is finalised you will see an immediate improvement in the grass cutting and ground maintenance.

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